think martinopia!

February 20, 2009

The search challenge

Filed under: Netzwelt — Tags: , — martinopia @ 11:09 pm

As some of the readers of this blog know I am also working on projects in the field of search and semantic search. So I eagerly had a look at the Miiget project for a new people search engine.


As one can see in the query above also very sophisticated solutions have their limits: the query for Günther Beckstein, former Minister-President of Bavaria in Germany, is linked to Adolf Hitler. I’m sure that’s not what was intended.
But besides limitations like that the Miiget project is pretty impressive.

February 4, 2009

Advertising on Google Main Page

Filed under: Netzwelt — Tags: — martinopia @ 6:49 pm

Google seems to say goodbye to its longterm strategy of clear and clean startpages. I don’t like that at all and I am using more and more the very clean interface of Yahoo! Search (not the Yahoo! Portal site – the clean search part). On the Mac there is even a very cool toolbar add on: Inquisitor

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