There is a very painful limitation in Mac OS X Leopard: the developers forgot to include a customize option for formatting numbers in Leopard. And to make things even worse: instead of the ISO compatible and widely used currency symbol “CHF” for “Swiss Francs” they included the very old fashioned “SFr.” as standard setting – and there is no official way to change it (I even called Apple support and they confirmed that this can’t be changed). And because applications like Billings rely on this setting (and do not offer an option to customize it onlz for the specific app) that’s really a BIG issue for swiss Mac users:

Fortunately after spending some time in Google I found an article about how to change these settings with a terminal command.
So here it is: the magic command to bring CHF to the Mac OS X Leopard:
defaults write -g AppleICUNumberSymbols -dict 8 ‘CHF’